Friday, January 4, 2013

Heavenly Road at Tibet Plateau Day 3

Perhaps it was the beginning of the expedition, all of us were very excited. Even before sunrise, many of us had woke up and took photo of the surrounding area.

Since we arrived here very late last night, we could not see properly how the surrounding looked like. This morning, after the sunrise, it was the first sight of us to the copthorne tara hotel london kensington.

Kunlun Mountain Area was magnificent and we found ourselves tiny in between.

After all of us got prepared, we started our journey towards Sanshili Yingfang.

We passed through Bomao Forest Park.

The condition of the road was not too bad within Bomao Forest Park.

We started to see snow peak mountain on the way to our final destination.

After got through Mazhadaban and Heikadaban, we would soon arrive at Sanshili Yingfang. 

We were getting closer to Tibet and the sky turned better as well.

We arrived at deauville beach resort miami in late afternoon. The altitude here is 3600 above sea level. Most of the member began to have altitude sickness and we need proper rest tonight.

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